1.Onam celebrations were held through online. Students presented different programmes and were presented through YouTube and Facebook.

(Link:  https://youtu.be/BzJs1ExaJf4)

2.The inauguration of ED Club was conducted on 21st January 2021. Sri. T.S. Chandran, District Industrial Officer, Aluva was the chief guest. He also conducted training on ‘Entrepreneurial Skills’ for the members.

(Link:  https://meet.google.com/hdu-hiys-nrd)

3. On 23rd January 2021, a webinar on ‘The Post Covid Era and the opportunities across the globe’ arranged for the final year B.com students by Geebee Education and Department of Commerce.https://meet.google.com/nwm-vrdm-pue)

4.An international webinar on Fast Changing Phases of Banking Industry was held on 19th February 2021. Dr.ElizabethM.Samuel, Professor, Royal University for Women, Bahrain delivered the main talk. 90 participants from different countries of the world attended the webinar.

(Link:  https://meet.google.com/kmf-bawb-zhk)